Trip Details

We appreciate you choosing for your Juneau Whale Adventure!

This email is CONFIRMATION that your party has booked a whale watching tour with us.

So…. Where do we meet?

It’s just a short walk from where your cruise ship docks in Juneau. Simply head to where you see the cable cars going up and down the mountain, at the base of the Mount Roberts Tram. Please be waiting for us on the side facing the parking lot, not towards the cruise ships. If possible, be a few minutes early, as it will give everyone more time out on the water and with the whales and other wildlife.

If your cruise ship happens to come in early or late, please get in touch with us.

Now keep reading, as there is still more IMPORTANT information to follow…

Your tour will be 3 hours in total. We will depart on schedule for Auke Bay, a 30-minute drive from downtown Juneau, to where our boat will be waiting for you to take you on a 2 hour wildlife cruise. Afterwards, we will bring you back, or, if you prefer, drop you off at Mendenhall Glacier. From there, you can take a shuttle back (price can vary per company). Let us know in advance!

Bring a warm fleece, waterproof windbreaker, and any light or thin gloves would be helpful if you have a tendency to get cold easily. We will be cruising inside the world’s largest temperate rain-forest, so if it turns out to be 82 degrees that day, you don’t need to wear your warm clothes, but you certainly will appreciate them in a 50 degree cool breeze, possibly with rain, on a brisk day out on the ocean watching whales, sea lions and possibly porpoises!

Remember, most of your time is going to be outside on the deck taking pictures or video while catching your breath, as the humpback whales will take it away by their sheer presence! They weigh up to 66,000 lbs and are up to 52 feet long, almost twice as big as the boat we will be in. 

Make sure your phone or camera battery is charged, and maybe even bring an extra battery or flash card. Prepare yourself by knowing how your gear works, so you can take your shots quickly, as the boat will be floating in every direction possible. Practice taking fast shots and/or video before this trip. This way, when a resident killer whale breaches while chasing her dinner (perhaps a 40-pound king salmon) you will be ready for the shot of a lifetime!

Please feel free to call with any questions on our whale phone at 907-957-4778

Or email us at

Gunashchesh! (Thank You!)

Captain Gutch


Whale Watch Alaska

317 West 12th St.

Juneau, Alaska 99801, USA

Phone: 907-957-4778




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